
DXC Team ADELIE - Reloaded

Part of DXC Technology
Donate to DXC Team ADELIE - Reloaded






Raising Money For

We served so want to raise funds to support ex-military and their families.

5 Team Members View all

Avatar Name Raised
Stu Brown
Team Leader
Graham Doherty £301.66
John Dent £281.68
David Smith £146.53
Nicola Cameron £95.00

Status Updates

£25.00 from Al Cay

Gift Aid +£6.25

Good Luck !

Thanks Al, appreciate your kind donation and support bud, maybe next year we can get you on the peaks! :)

£20.00 from Anonymous

Gift Aid +£5.00
Thank you, whoever you are! For you kind donation! :)

£20.00 from Rik Lovejoy

Gift Aid +£5.00
Thanks very much, greatly appreciate your kind donation and support :)

£15.00 from Scott Child

Gift Aid +£3.75

Good luck guys!!!

Spot on Scott, greatly appreciate your support and kind donation bud, thanks :)

£25.00 from Simon de la Fosse

Gift Aid +£6.25

Have fun all and good luck!

Thanks Simon, greatly appreciate your kind donation and support :)

£25.00 from Nick Taylor

Thanks very much Nick! Greatly appreciate your kind donation!

£25.00 from Neil Johnson

Gift Aid +£6.25
Thanks very much Neil, greatly appreciate your kind donation and thank you for support, as always :)

£10.45 from neill tinlin

Gift Aid +£2.61
Thanks Neil, greatly appreciated and thank you for your support :)

£15.58 from Ian Hammett

Gift Aid +£3.90


Thanks Ian, greatly appreciate the kind donation and your support :)

£100.00 from Martin Yip

Good Luck with the hike.

Blown away Martin, thanks very much for a very very generous donation! Thanks so much, it more than greatly appreciated :)
Donate to DXC Team ADELIE - Reloaded

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