
Tim Olivey

Member of (DXC) Duffers Detachment






Raising Money For

I'm participating

Grasmere Sports Ground, Grasmere, Cumbria LA22 9SL

The Tough

Status Updates

£20.70 from Izzy Olivey

Go Dad and Sadie!!

Thanks Izzawizz! You’re doing it next year!

£20.00 from Joe Porter

Gift Aid +£5.00
Thanks Joppiter - will take as many tree pics as I can!

£50.00 from Daniel Wiltshire

Gift Aid +£12.50
Thanks buddy - that will really help the cause!

£51.45 from Mark Guest

Gift Aid +£12.86

Doubt you’ve done much tabbing being navy and all thought you’d have done a sailing one make sure to pack some comped blister plasters for your soft feet good luck mate

Thanks mate - of course the pace will be far more rapid than a fusilier is used to so understand why you aren't doing this....

£51.45 from Paul O’Shaughnessy

Gift Aid +£12.86

Great cause Tim - good luck

Thanks mate - real shame you can't be doing the miles with us

£51.45 from Alexis Devereux

Gift Aid +£12.86

All the best Tim - hope you have a good one…

Thanks mate - very much appreciated and will film some press ups too just for good measure!

£10.00 from Sally & Paul Davis


£10.45 from Mum

With Sadie’s help you will get up those hills .. Good luck Tim XX 😘

We will do our best!

£10.45 from Archie Olivey

Gift Aid +£2.61
Thanks my boy

£205.20 from Rick Geritz

Can't let Liz and MK and Joy have all the fun! Great to see the HDL gang in the mix! Give Sadie a pat from me and enjoy your stroll!

Rick - thanks so much for such a generous contribution! Who knew that a cobra could be so supportive!! Sadie pat duly banked for my return and reunion with her 👍

Tim's Team View profile

£3,155.38 raised

Target: £2,200.00


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